N.Z. | 2. 10. 2020, 13:51

Vplivnica Anjuli Mack: »Ne verjemite vsemu, kar vidite na Instagramu!«


Anjuli Mack je blogerka in osebna trenerka, ki jo na Instagramu sledi več kot 150 tisoč ljudi. Ker je imela s prehrano in telesno podobo tudi sama velike težave v preteklosti, si je zdaj za življenjsko poslanstvo zadala, da ljudem pomaga taiste probleme premagati z njenimi nasveti.

Da svoje poslanstvo jemlje resno in je pri tem tudi iskrena, pa je dokazala pred dnevi, ko je objavila dve fotografiji – drugo ob drugi – na katerih je jasno vidno, da je ena objavljena takšna, kot je nastala, druga pa je obdelana z različnimi filtri za fotografijo.

»Razna podjetja vam ponujajo izdelke za hujšanje in si pri tem pomagajo s prav takšnim trikom. To počnejo neprestano. Targetirajo ljudi, ki so obupani, tako zelo si želijo spremeniti svojo podobo,« je med drugim zapisala Anjuli in dodala, da je vse laž: »Tudi zato sem objavila ti dve fotografiji.«

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✖️ This is not a before and after ✖️⁣⁣ Although it wouldn't surprise me if fad diet, keto detoxes and random overseas supplement companies use it to promote their own agenda 🙄 IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME. Companies prey on people desperate for a quick fix but in reality this is just puffing out & then sucking in. Seconds apart as seen on my video post yesterday 😊 ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ "When I sit down I have rolls, how do I get rid of them?" "At the end of the day my tummy looks bloated. Why?" "I have been working so hard but I still have rolls."⁣⁣ The list of things I get in the dms goes on 💕 I never get tired if educating all of you, I am here to help as much as possible 🤗 ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ So a few key things I wish I knew when I started & what I want all of you to know is...⁣⁣ 1️⃣ You cannot outwork your nutrition. In order to lose fat from anywhere you need to be in a caloric deficit (eating less calories than your body requires to maintain) ✔️⁣⁣ 2️⃣ Carbs are not the enemy. You can eat bread and pasta 🍝👅 But the key is in moderation & alignment with your goals.⁣⁣ 3️⃣ Social media & magazines are NOT real life. It is curated to what someone wants you to see 👀 You will never see 100% of someone's life online.⁣⁣ 4️⃣ Focus on YOU. Don't try to copy XYZ, fad diets or waste money on juice detoxes. Just get a plan in place & stick to it 💪🏽 Trust your coach & the process. I wish I had got a coach from day one.⁣⁣ 5️⃣ Be kind to yourself! Years from now you won't care aboht the occassional night you "fell off your diet" with friends or the holiday with family where you felt bad for eating at the breakfast buffet 🥞 You want to remember the life time memories made with loved ones ♥️ ⁣⁣ Anjuli ✌🏽 ⁣⁣ XO

A post shared by YouTube Anjuli Mack 🎥 AUCKLAND (@anjuli_fitforlife) on

Anjuli je nato svoje sledilce še pozvala, naj ne nasedajo nerealnim zahtevam. Telo je mogoče spremeniti zgolj počasi, z zdravo prehrano in telovadbo. »Najprej, ne bo vam uspelo pretentati kaloričnih vrednosti. Če želite izgubiti kilograme, morate biti v energijskem deficitu. Ali povedano drugače: jesti morate manj kot porabite. In drugič: ogljikovi hidrati niso vaš sovražnik. Lahko jeste tudi kruh in testenine, vendar bodite pri tem zmerni.«